Ted London


Ted London

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Fulfilling the Base of the Pyramid Promise

Business leaders are increasingly viewing the base of the pyramid (BoP) – the 4-5 billion people living in low-income markets in the developing world – as an enormous and untapped market opportunity. Not surprisingly, these leaders have also encountered difficulties in developing profitable and scalable business models for such an unfamiliar market context. Addressing these challenges requires innovation in thought combined with an actionable toolkit of strategies, frameworks and processes.  

Understanding and Implementing Best Practices

Considered one of the pioneers of the base of the pyramid domain, Dr. Ted London is an internationally recognized expert on the intersection of business strategy and poverty alleviation. With over three decades of experience in more than 100 countries, London has advised dozens of leadership teams on strategies for building sustainable, scalable enterprises that also materially improve the well-being of the BoP. Leveraging the latest research on best practices, he offers field-based consultations, runs strategic retreats and presents keynote and customized training programs to catalyze the transformation needed to fulfill the BoP promise. 

Some of his clients and partners include:

Acumen | CARE | CEMEX | Coca-Cola | Danone | Department for International Development (DFID) | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) | DowDuPont | Facebook  | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | GE Power | GE Healthcare | Gilead Science |  Google | Hershey | Hewlett-Packard | Honey Care Africa | ICICI Bank | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | Inter-American Development Bank (IBD) | International Finance Corporation (IFC) | ITC Limited (India) | Microsoft | Oxfam | Pfizer | Philips | Procter & Gamble | PwC | Reckitt Benckiser (RB) | Rockefeller Foundation | Sanergy | SC Johnson | Swiss Re | Tetra Pak | Unilever | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | United Nations Foundation | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) | VisionSpring | Walmart | World Bank | World Business Council on Sustainable Development | Xylem